CheckSpecialWordRelationExtractor |
ChunkingExtractor |
ClosestVerbExtractor |
ConjunctionRelationFeaturesExtractor |
ContinuousTextExtractor |
CoordinateFeaturesExtractor |
CoveredTextToValuesExtractor |
DateAndMeasurementExtractor |
DependencyFeatureExtractor |
DependencyParseUtils |
This is a slightly modified version of the same class from relation extraction.
DependencyPathFeaturesExtractor |
DependingVerbsFeatureExtractor |
DeterminerRelationFeaturesExtractor |
extract the nearby nearest time, date information for any event
DocTimeRelFeatureExtractor |
EmptyFeaturesExtractor |
EventArgumentPropertyExtractor |
EventPositionFeatureExtractor |
Event postion feature extractor:
EventPositionRelationFeaturesExtractor |
extract the nearby nearest time, date information for any event
EventPropertyExtractor |
EventTimeRelationFeatureExtractor |
Given a pair of arguments, if any one of them is an event, get the related event-sectiontime as features
EventTimeRelationsFeaturesExtractor |
FramesetCategoryExtractor |
IdentifiedAnnotationFeatureExtractor |
Given a token, check if this token is inside any identified annotation
if so check if the identifiled annotion is a known event.
ListFeaturesExtractor |
MultiTokenFeaturesExtractor |
for every UMLS entities covering the annotation, extracted related token features
NearbyVerbTenseRelationExtractor |
NearbyVerbTenseXExtractor |
NearestFlagFeatureExtractor |
NoOtherETPuntInBetweenFeaturesExtractor |
Extract the feature to tell if there is no event or timex in between two arguments
NumberOfEventsInTheSameSentenceExtractor |
Count the number of EventMentions in the same sentence as the two arguments, used for features for within sentence event-event relation discovery
NumberOfEventTimeBetweenCandidatesExtractor |
Count the number of EventMention and TimeMention in between two arguments as features
OverlappedHeadFeaturesExtractor |
Extract the overlapping head words of two arguments.
ParseFeatureExtractor |
ParseSpanFeatureExtractor |
PredicateArgumentExtractor |
RelationEmbeddingFeatureExtractor |
Word embedding based features.
RelationSyntacticEmbeddingFeatureExtractor |
Word embedding based features.
RelationSyntacticETEmbeddingFeatureExtractor |
Word embedding based features.
SectionHeaderExtractor |
SectionHeaderRelationExtractor |
SpecialAnnotationRelationExtractor |
SRLRelationFeaturesExtractor |
SyntacticParentFeatureExtractor |
TemporalAttributeFeatureExtractor |
TemporalAttributeForMixEventTimeExtractor |
TemporalPETFlatExtractor |
TimeWordTypeExtractor<T extends org.apache.uima.jcas.tcas.Annotation> |
TimeXExtractor |
TimeXPropertyRelationFeaturesExtractor |
Check is an timex argument is in the begining/end of a sentence
TimeXRelationFeaturesExtractor |
extract the nearby nearest time, date information for any event
TokenPropertyFeaturesExtractor |
UMLSBasedTokenFeaturesExtractor |
UmlsFeatureExtractor |
UmlsSingleFeatureExtractor |
UnexpandedTokenFeaturesExtractor |